
Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Perspective

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. (Marcus Aurelius).

For years I have worried that I didn't have the certainty of opinion that me to say- this is how it is. I know I am right. I would envy those I worked with who carved a soapbox of stone right where they stood and didn't budge from their adopted position. How can the need to be 'right' more important than the need to listen, and learn, and even change? Nowadays I relish the thought that the little certainties of life are constantly challenged. In photography, especially. Vignetting? Bring it on. A bit of grain? Love that. Focus, schmocus. There are no rules. On my (expensive) camera I have placed the (relatively cheap) little plastic, selective focus lens, my Lensbaby, (never was a lens more aptly named) and once again I am looking at the world with a different perspective. The focus of life will fall where you choose.


  1. Now there's a good perspective as well as a good photo.

  2. I love my lensbaby. It is such a challenge and I love the perspective it gives. These photos are really great!

  3. oh...i love this. what a great challenge...a new perspective. perfect.

  4. i love there are no rules and just art

    great shots

  5. really relish his expressions in these two...great theme!

  6. So true, so true. Love your blog by the way you photos are so beautiful! I am waiting for my Lensbaby to arrive, can't wait to try on the new toy.

  7. A wonderful theme...sorry I'm checking in so late:(


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