
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

rock on wood


this is the wooden bench on my front porch
during the summer when I am out of school
and time stands still . it becomes a place
for treasures found on my daily walk
a spot to satisfy my soul


  1. I find it hard to resist picking up a rock that catches my eye, and bringing it home. Yours is so round - and you've given it a nice resting spot.

  2. Don;t you love finding interesting things on your walks. Great pic, would love to see what the bench looks like toward the end of summer.

  3. I love this photo for so many reasons. The tonality, the meaning behind it, the simplicity. It's a soothing photo...and beautiful.

  4. Elk, I love this, That rock is beautiful sitting on the bench, so very calming, Don't be startled if you find me out there sitting, It would be a great place for meditating.

  5. Elk I had to come back and look again, I swear it talks to me. lol

  6. Warm tones, gently smoothed textured surfaces and linear lines balanced with the roundness of the rock that speaks to me as the heart/pulse/energy center of the space. So very satisfying indeed.

  7. When you add your story to the photo I am drawn into them both and it is satifying.

  8. This is the kind of photo that satisfies my soul:)

  9. wow what is it about this photo the colours the texture the dof it's great


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