
Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Party Season

Every year when the nights get chilly, when leaves begin to fall, when pumpkins and mums decorate yards, then I know it is almost time for our annual Murder Mystery Night. Tonight about 20 of us will transform ourselves into wild west characters for a rollicking night of murder and mayhem. I've got a few more things to round up for my costume and I'll be ready for all the hijinks. BTW, you can call me Black Barbara today!


  1. oh fun!!!! I would love to do that with a group that really gets into it!

    have a fabulous time!

  2. gosh...i love this! how fun! that has to be a fantastic time!

  3. That would be so much fun, Some day I am going to do this! I have always wanted to. Have a great time.

  4. Well, Black Barbara, hope you have a wild and wooly marauding time! This looks like SO much fun!

  5. Yee haw, Black Barbara! What fun! I love tis photo - great depth of field!

  6. I'll bet every heart beats a little harder whenever Black Barbara rides into town! Great take on the theme!

  7. I read your blog before I read this so I know just who Black Barbara is:) How much fun this evening sounds like:) Wonderful photo!


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