
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My Dad gave me this vase, probably 25 years ago.  It was unusual for him to give me a gift, he usually gave me money, thought it was better for me to choose what I wanted.  So this was a real treasure, not because I loved it, it's really nice but not really my style, but because he liked it enough to buy it for me.  One night in 2001 my twins were playing a game in the dark and knocked it over and broke the lip, see the cracked bits glued back in place.  They panicked, totally thought I would go nuts, I didn't!! and made up a really fantastic story about how it happened, hoping that laughter would ease the pain.  It did.  So now my flawed vase, no longer perfect is one of my only remaining gifts from my dad.  Is it any less precious or treasured because of the flaw, no way, I think maybe it is even more special, now it has new stories attached to it.  It still reminds me of dad everytime I see it and I will keep it forever, flawed and all.  Just like me really, well like all of us, broken in places, mended as best we can but still loved and special to someone, hopefully to many.


  1. oh, this made me cry. so very sweet and so very true.

  2. a beautiful story, a now flawed gift with a patina of love....

  3. Great story, love that you did not get mad at the kids and maybe something you can give to them as it has their memories attached to it now too.

  4. Your story reminds me of when I was a kid and broke a favorite vase of my mother. Of all the stuff I've ever broken..that is the one I remember.

  5. That's such a lovely story and I love the rich pattern and colors on the vase. Beautiful.

  6. Wonderful story - I too treasure the things my father took the time to pick out for me...and I love the new story which goes with your treasure.


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